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Graveyard Portal (Rivalia: Dungeon Raiders)

These structures that we will find in the Cemetery biome could be useful to you…
They are the portals and will allow us to be able to return to the beginning of our dungeon to resupply and quickly return back to combat. These strange magical artifacts were strategically placed in order to get the most out of them.

After a few first design drafts, we saw that the floating crystals gave it the impression of being alive and the uniqueness that we were looking for in the video game's graveyard biome.
Estas estructuras que encontraremos en el bioma de Cementerio podrían serte útiles…
Son los portales, y nos permitirán poder volver al inicio de nuestra mazmorra para reabastecernos y volver rápidamente de vuelta al combate. Estos extraños artefactos mágicos fueron colocados estratégicamente para poder sacarles el mayor partido posible.

Tras unos primeros bocetos de diseño vimos que los cristales flotantes le daban una vida y características únicas que buscábamos en el bioma de cementerio del videojuego.

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