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Crossbow Skeleton (Rivalia: Dungeon Raiders)

The Rivalia Skeletons are not capable of carrying a bow due to their lack of wingspan, but that is no reason to not shoot projectiles as they have found crates full of bolts and crossbows.

These skeletons are capable of maintaining a distance in a sublime manner and you had better attack them when they are off guard, for if they see you approaching they will flee in an instant.
Los esqueletos de Rivalia no son capaces de portar un arco debido a su falta de envergadura, pero no es razón suficiente como para no disparar proyectiles ya que encontraron cajas llenas de virotes y ballestas.

Estos esqueletos son capaces de mantener la distancia de una forma sublime y más te vale atacarlos cuando estén desprevenidos ya que si te ven acercarte escaparan en un instante.

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